ReadyMED – Leominster

About This Location

(508) 595-2700


241 North Main Street, Leominster, MA, USA

Hours: 9:00 AM – 8:00 PM, Seven Days Per Week

ReadyMED provides convenient, walk-in healthcare services for a wide range of non-emergency medical issues to patients of all ages (adults, children and infants) in the greater Worcester area. Staffed by doctors, advanced practitioners and other medical professionals, ReadyMED is conveniently located in Auburn, Hudson, Leominster, Milford, Natick and Worcester. Our doctors and medical staff are available seven days a week, including evenings and weekends, so we can see you when your doctor can’t and provide you with medical Care When You Need It.

Workers’ Compensation occupational health services are available by appointment to Reliant primary care patients and to Reliant employees. These services are available Monday from 9am-5pm in ReadyMED Leominster. Patients must be referred by their Reliant PCP’s office.

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Location Photos

Services Provided

ReadyMED - Leominster

ReadyMED - Leominster


Am I eligible to use Virtual ReadyMED?

Are you or the patient 4+ years old?
Are you in Massachusetts at time of video visit?
Do you have a Reliant PCP?
Do you have access to email on the device you are using?
By continuing I’m giving Reliant permission to communicate with me via text or email to complete this visit.

Am I eligible to use Virtual ReadyMED?

Do you have a MyChart account?