Where can I find a Reliant Medical Group Occupational Medicine Center?
Reliant Medical Group currently has two Occupational Medicine offices located in Central Massachusetts, shown below. For more detailed location information, visit our Locations page.
Auburn – 385 Southbridge Street, Auburn, MA 01501
Shrewsbury – 378 Maple Avenue, Shrewsbury, MA 01545
Where can I access more information about the testing programs for federally regulated programs such as DOT, FAA, etc.?
Please feel free to visit the official websites of the federal government departments that regulate these types of testing.
Department of Labor (DOL)
Department of Transportation (DOT)
Federal Highway Administration (FHA)
Can Reliant Medical Group’s Department of Occupational Medicine provide work-site specific services?
Today, Reliant Medical Group’s Department of Occupational Medicine provides work-site services to a number of employers in Central Massachusetts. For more information on these work-site services please contact us at (508) 425-5357.
Does Reliant Medical Group provide rehabilitative services?
Reliant Medical Group provides occupational medicine-focused rehabilitative services. Reliant Medical Group’s Rehabilitation and Sports Medicine Department can tailor a program to meet the needs of the employer and their workforce.
How can I set-up an account with Reliant Medical Group’s Department of Occupational Medicine?
To contact our business office to setup an account with Reliant Medical Group’s Department of Occupational Medicine, please call (508) 425-5357 or send an email to demi.keefe@reliantmedicalgroup.org.
How long will it take to get drug test results?
Drug test results are typically available within 24 to 48 hours, depending upon the type of test performed.