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“I’m very lucky to have dedicated, caring colleagues and support staff that help me deliver high quality care.”
A practicing pediatrician since 1990, Dr. Kimberlee McCartney chose pediatrics as her career because she loved working with children. “I think the best part of being a pediatrician is that your patients make you laugh every day,” she explains. “Not every physician gets to say that.”
Dr. McCartney enjoys taking care of her pediatric patients whether they are newborns or teenagers. “For me, it’s a joy to get to know families and watch kids grow up, that’s one of the best parts of my job,” she explains. Dr. McCartney believes in working in a highly collaborative manner with the families she treats. “I constantly ask, ‘Are you comfortable with this plan? Does that sound reasonable to you?,’ I want to make sure everyone is completely on-board with everything that I do.”
According to Dr. McCartney, mental health has become a bigger, more important focus of being a pediatrician these days. “Overall, the mental health of our young people is not as good as it once was; there are a lot of reasons for this. As pediatricians, we are often the first person a parent sees when their child is having a mental health issue such as stress and anxiety, or an eating disorder. Fortunately, there’s a lot we can do to help children dealing with these issues.”
Dr. McCartney says that she looks forward each work day to the joy of caring for her patients and their families. “I’m very lucky to have dedicated, caring colleagues and support staff that help me deliver high quality care…I couldn’t do it without them.”
In her free time Dr. McCartney enjoys horseback riding, cycling, skiing, and spending time with her family.
Offices and Locations
Board Certified: Pediatrics
Medical School: University of Massachusetts School of Medicine
Internship: Boston Floating Hospital
Residency: Boston Floating Hospital; University of Massachusetts Medical Center
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