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Overall Rating
A provider may not have star ratings accompanying his/her website profile for one or more of the following reasons:
- Insufficient number of surveys - The provider has not yet reached the required minimum number of returned patient satisfaction surveys. We require a minimum of 30 surveys on an individual provider before displaying scores to ensure we have an adequate and representative sampling of patient feedback.
- Provider does not participate in the specific patient satisfaction survey that we translate into star ratings.
- Provider does not yet participate in the star rating program.
Alyssa Sundstrom, graduate of Boston College, loves working with children and their families. She was an RN for 10 years before she obtained her master’s in nursing, so that she could have an increased role in patient care. Alyssa is a big advocate for the team approach that is frequently utilized at Reliant, and she also makes it a priority that her patients and their families all have an active role in their care decisions. When she is not busy seeing patients, Alyssa likes to spend time with her family, play golf, cook, and read.
Offices and Locations
Worcester – Neponset Street
Partnering Provider
Certified by PNCB, Pediatric Nurse Practitioner Primary Care
Boston College, William F. Connell School of Nursing
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