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Dr. Brooke Bloom has always enjoyed working with people. She discovered her knack for science and biology while in high school. “I wanted a career that would allow me to marry these two interests together,” she explains. “After learning what the role of a physician was it seemed to fit my goals and ultimately, I was drawn to the field of medicine.”
Dr. Bloom enjoys using her expertise to help patients with their neurological problems. “The nervous system is a beautifully complex system and to me has just always made perfect sense,” she explains. “I love the many facets that go in to caring for a neurologic patient from the initial encounter to finding a diagnosis and then long-term treatment and care. Because of the nature of neurologic diseases being predominantly long term, and sometimes lifelong, it affords me the privilege to develop long term relationships with many of the people that I care for. No matter what their neurological illness, I try to help everyone live the most normal life they possibly can.”
Dr. Bloom completed a neuromuscular fellowship which gave her greater expertise in managing disorders such as neuropathies and neuromuscular junction disorders such as myasthenia gravis. Her fellowship also gave her greater skill in performing advanced diagnostic tests including electromyography (EMG). “However, I love many different facets of neurology and still enjoy practicing general neurology along with other particular areas of interest including migraine headaches and multiple sclerosis. Some of the procedures I can do inside the office include Botox injections for migraines and nerve conduction studies for a variety of conditions.”
When she is not busy helping patients, Dr. Bloom enjoys outdoor walks, visiting the Cape, riding her Peloton, taking care of her Labrador retriever, and being out on the water.
Offices and Locations
Worcester Medical Center
American Board of Psychiatry & Neurology, Neurology Certification
Medical Education:
New York Institute of Technology College of Osteopathic Medicine
Neurology, University of Massachusetts Medical Center
Neuromuscular Medicine, Yale
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