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Dr. Diana McManus chose to be a pediatrician because she wanted a challenging career in which she could positively impact lives. She found caring for children to be a perfect fit. “Pediatrics always felt natural to me, from my very early patient experiences,” she explains. “I really love taking care of kids, but I also enjoy working with families and teaching about preventative medicine.”
Practicing as a pediatrician, Dr. McManus enjoys getting to know her patients and helping them through challenging times. “Whether it’s a toddler with recurrent ear infections or a teenager suffering from asthma, I really enjoy helping families get through the challenging moments in their children’s lives.”
Dr. McManus describes herself as a very careful pediatrician who believes strongly in communication. “My philosophy is to involve the family in the decision-making process. Caregivers are very important in giving me the information I need to determine a medical plan. Open communication with families is essential to achieve the best patient outcomes.”
A graduate of Tufts University and the University of Massachusetts Medical School, Dr. McManus completed her residency and chief residency at Children’s Hospital of Oakland in Oakland, California. She is happy to be practicing in Massachusetts and has come to value the services available to her patients at Reliant Medical Group. “Having laboratory, X-ray and specialty services available allows me to provide complete patient care in a single setting.” Dr. McManus has been very happy working at Reliant Medical Group. “I am proud of Reliant Medical Group’s reputation as a strong medical community offering excellent patient care. My colleagues here are truly wonderful and I appreciate working with them everyday.”
Since she is a busy mother, Dr. McManus has chosen to job share with another Reliant Medical Group pediatrician, Dr. Susan Robinson. “It’s a great way for both of us to work part-time and still be available to our patients. Dr. Robinson is a great partner. We have a similar philosophy and communicate daily to provide seamless care. My patients are really happy with the arrangement.”
When she is not busy treating patients at Reliant Medical Group, Dr. McManus enjoys spending time doing fun things with her family. “We like to cook, go to movies and spend time outdoors. After four years on the west coast, I am really happy to be back in the Worcester area. I grew up in West Boylston and have enjoyed reconnecting with old friends.”
Offices and Locations
Partnering Provider
American Board of Pediatrics
Medical School: UMass Medical School
Internship & Residency: Children's Hospital & Research Center
Languages Spoken
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