Overall Rating
A provider may not have star ratings accompanying his/her website profile for one or more of the following reasons:
- Insufficient number of surveys - The provider has not yet reached the required minimum number of returned patient satisfaction surveys. We require a minimum of 30 surveys on an individual provider before displaying scores to ensure we have an adequate and representative sampling of patient feedback.
- Provider does not participate in the specific patient satisfaction survey that we translate into star ratings.
- Provider does not yet participate in the star rating program.
A graduate of Bridgewater State University and Bryant University, Nicholas first became interested in medicine when he shadowed a family member who was working as a physician assistant in Cardiology. “I found the world of medicine amazing,” he explains. “My inspiration towards pursuing this profession was solidified through patient care experiences working as a nursing aide and ER tech, where I found that I was not only fascinated by medicine, but also greatly enjoyed working with patients from all walks of life.”
Nicholas had several years of experience providing hand-on patient care as a certified nursing assistant (CNA) and emergency room technician before he became a physician assistant. Nicholas enjoys working in Hospital Medicine taking care of patients who have been admitted to the hospital for further care. “I enjoy the diversity of the cases I see on a daily basis. I also enjoy working as a team with my medical and nursing colleagues helping patients.” Working in a hospital setting, Nicholas strives to alleviate patient’s fears by doing his best to answer questions and explain the current plan of care.
When he is not busy with patients, Nicholas likes to spend time outdoors and enjoys camping, fishing and hiking. He also likes to travel and explore new areas of the world. An avid Boston sports fan, he also loves chatting about his favorite teams.
Offices and Locations
Worcester Medical Center
Hospital Medicine
Master of Science: Bryant University
Bachelor of Science: Bridgewater State University
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