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“The best way to approach patient care is to partner with the patient and family on important decisions”
Growing up in India, Dr. Renu Goyal became interested in becoming a doctor at a young age. “As a child, the ability to heal someone seemed almost magical to me,” she recalls. “And when I visited a doctor, I saw the trust and respect they gained from their patients. I knew medicine would be a very rewarding career.”
After graduating from medical school, Dr. Goyal chose to work in hospital medicine. “As I was doing my internal medicine residency I grew to enjoy the challenge of taking care of patients when they were acutely ill. Seeing patients under your care do better in a short amount of time is very satisfying. It’s a big reason why I enjoy hospital medicine so much.”
Dr. Goyal believes the best way to approach patient care is to partner with the patient and family on important decisions. “I think 10 or 20 years ago, physicians tended to be more authoritative, but times have changed. Patients and families are much more informed now, and it’s important to partner with them in any medical decision-making and care plan – that’s how I like to approach it.”
Some patients who are cared for by Dr. Goyal in the hospital ask if they can still see her as an outpatient. Although she only provides care to patients inside Saint Vincent Hospital, she takes this as a great compliment. “It’s something that I never tire of hearing,” she explains.
For her work as a hospitalist, Dr. Goyal was inducted as an inaugural fellow into the Society of Hospital Medicine in 2009.
In her free time, Dr. Goyal enjoys outdoor activities such as biking, kayaking, gardening and hiking. She also enjoys traveling and has been to Australia, Asia, and other warm-weather destinations.
Please Note: Dr. Goyal provides acute medical care for patients of our Westborough and Holden site who are admitted to Saint Vincent Hospital.
Offices and Locations
Worcester Medical Center
Hospital Medicine
American Board of Internal Medicine
Medical Education: JN Medical College, Karnataka University
Residency: Michigan State University (Internal Medicine)
Fellow in Hospital Medicine
Languages Spoken
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