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“I think the most important quality a pediatrician can have is a love of children. In my profession, it’s more essential than a stethoscope.”
As a father of three children, Dr. Robert Beckmann finds it easy to relate to the families he deals with as a pediatrician each day. “I’ve dealt with many of the same problems they have, so I understand their concerns,” he says. “Being a doctor and a parent is similar in many ways, you have to have a lot of patience and the ability to respond to unique challenges every day.”
Dr. Beckmann has been practicing at Reliant Medical Group since 1995, beginning right after his medical residency at UMass Medical Center. “I can’t say enough about the support and convenience Reliant Medical Group provides me and my patients. Everything is right here in the building – the lab, x-ray, and other resources I need to take care of my patients. There’s even a continuing education fund available to me so I can keep up on the latest developments in my specialty.”
Although he likes to visit Florida for family vacations, Dr. Beckmann’s favorite place seems to be his neighborhood in Franklin. “We have lots of friends living there and there’s usually something going on. I enjoy our local get-togethers. It’s a very friendly neighborhood.”
Even with his busy practice, Dr. Beckmann is always sure to find time for activities with his children. Last summer, he was the assistant coach for his daughter’s softball team. “It was great to be able to spend time with her and be a part of something she enjoys,” he says. “Even if I’m not exactly an expert in softball.”
Offices and Locations
American Board of Pediatrics
Internship & Residency: University of Massachusetts Medical Center
Medical Education: State University of New York Health Science Center
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