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Learn more about Behavioral Health at Reliant
Sarah-Eve has always been passionate about helping others, which is why she decided to become a therapist. “As a therapist, I’m fortunate to be a helpful guide as my patients navigate the road trip of life,” she explains. “There may be some potholes, flat tires, and running out of gas along the way, but these challenges make the destinations, planned or impromptu, that much more rewarding.”
Sarah-Eve believes that her patients are the drivers of not only their life, but also their treatment. “To continue with the analogy, perhaps people have taken a few unexpected detours, and are looking for directions,” she explains. “I can provide them with suggestions or a map with route options, but I cannot chauffeur them to their destination. Much the same, they know the roads they’ve traveled, and which ones have led them to dead ends. They are the experts in their own experiences, and we use their expertise as the foundation for which we problem-solve the next turns to take. In the spirit of DBT, I am conscious about providing a warm, validating environment in which these individuals can understand and accept the predicaments in which they are in, while also putting on our thinking caps and experimenting with what will help things!”
Sarah-Eve has many years of experience treating all types of eating disorders, as well as extensive training in Dialectical Behavior Therapy. “I have concentrations from my graduate program in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Child and Family Interventions and I have worked extensively with adolescents, young adults, and adults,” she explains. “I have chosen these areas to work in because I am passionate about eating disorder awareness and suicide prevention. Supporting someone in obtaining their life worth living is the ultimate dream for me. I enjoy helping people find possibility in what they long felt or thought was impossible.”
Sarah-Eve says that in working with individuals who struggle with borderline personality disorder and eating disorders, there is always the challenge of stigma. “When collaborating with other providers, family members, and the individual themselves, psychoeducation is so incredibly important, and at times difficult for some to accept and hear fully. In working with individuals who struggle with eating disorders, high risk of suicide and self-harming, there are always risks. That’s why we aim to use the most effective treatment in order to support reducing that risk.”
In her spare time Sarah-Eve enjoys running, rock climbing, and spending time with her dog and family.
Offices and Locations
Worcester – Neponset Street
Behavioral Health
Internship: Walden Behavioral Care
Medical Education: Assumption College
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