Overall Rating
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- Insufficient number of surveys - The provider has not yet reached the required minimum number of returned patient satisfaction surveys. We require a minimum of 30 surveys on an individual provider before displaying scores to ensure we have an adequate and representative sampling of patient feedback.
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- Provider does not yet participate in the star rating program.
“What I like most about working here is the ability to help people in a very powerful way.”
A graduate of Kiev State Medical University in Ukraine, Dr. Vlad Lyubchik enjoys the challenge of being a hospital-based internist. “For me, it’s very rewarding to treat patients with multiple medical problems and help them recover from their illnesses,” he explains.
As a hospital-based internist, Dr. Lyubchik feels that technology has enhanced care in very powerful ways. “Now we can view X-rays, CT scans, and MRIs on any computer through a secure connection, as well as access electronic medical records. It’s been a huge gain for patient care.”
In his work as a hospitalist, Dr. Lyubchik communicates extensively with the primary care physician of each patient. “We communicate on the phone, through email, faxes, and other methods. After the patient leaves the hospital, they return to the care of their personal physician, so it’s very important that the physician knows exactly how we are caring for them and what to expect.”
Dr. Lyubchik enjoys working at Reliant Medical Group, where there is a special sense of community and cooperation between physicians. “We all help each other and depend on each other here. I think we all share a sense of ownership toward the patient. What I like most about working here is the ability to help people in a very powerful way.”
During his free time, Dr. Lyubchik enjoys being with his wife and children. He also enjoys jogging and taking classes in French. He lives with his family in Worcester.
Please Note: Dr. Lyubchik provides acute medical care for patients of our Spencer site who are admitted to Saint Vincent Hospital.
Offices and Locations
Worcester Medical Center
Hospital Medicine
American Board of Internal Medicine
Kiev Medical Institute, Medical Education
Saint Vincent Hospital @ Worcester Medical Center, Internship
Saint Vincent Hospital @ Worcester Medical Center, Residency
Languages Spoken
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