Auburn APCC

(774) 778-5265

Southborough APCC

(508) 460-3258

The Advanced Practice Clinician Collaborative (APCC) is an innovative program whereby fully licensed Advanced Practice Clinicians (APCs) work closely with experienced physicians and APCs to care for patients and further develop their clinical skills. Reliant is excited about this program as it allows patients to receive highly attentive care while newer providers have the chance to work with and learn from our longtime providers. 

As a patient in this program, you would schedule your visits with one of the APCs on the team who would provide your care in collaboration with an experienced supervising physician or APC. Your healthcare needs will be prioritized at all times. You will continue to have access to all of the same services you have now, including lab, radiology services and Reliant’s world-class specialists.

Meet Our Clinicians

Daniel Clemente, PA – Advanced Practice Clinician Collaborative
Emily Haley, NP – Advanced Practice Clinician Collaborative
Morgan Hill, FNP – Advanced Practice Clinician Collaborative
Kourtney Mantyla-Murphy, NP – Advanced Practice Clinician Collaborative
John Schneeweis, MD – Managing Physician, Advanced Practice Clinician Collaborative (Auburn)

Christine Abraham, FNP – Advanced Practice Clinician Collaborative
Kirajean Frost, FNP – Advanced Practice Clinician Collaborative
Savanna Giotas, FNP – Advanced Practice Clinician Collaborative
Reham Mousa, NP -Advanced Practice Clinician Collaborative
Alan Ehrlich, MD – Managing Physician, Advanced Practice Clinician Collaborative (Southborough)


Does my insurance cover the APC Collaborative Program?
Yes, all of the providers in this program are fully licensed Advanced Practitioners and credentialed with the insurance plans we accept.

If I choose to enter this APC Collaborative, will I ever see a physician?
APCs in the program will work alongside experienced physicians. If they determine that your medical condition requires you to see a primary or specialty care physician, they will refer you. At times, a supervising physician may also visit you in the exam room.

If an MD manages the APC Collaborative and is the provider listed with my insurance, can I request an appointment with him?
Your care will be managed by the APCs in the APC Collaborative. In partnership with you, these APCs will determine if another provider should be consulted on your treatment plan. So, while you wouldn’t specifically request to be scheduled with MD, he and other supervising providers may become involved in your care, if necessary.

Will I always see the same AP in the APC Collaborative?
We will try whenever possible to schedule you with the same APC when you need care; however, you may see multiple members on the team. Please note that after one year of working in the APC Collaborative, the APC clinicians will transition from the APC Collaborative program and move to a different Reliant primary care office. At that time, a new team of clinicians will join the program and be available to care for you.

If I am unhappy in the APC Collaborative, can I transfer to another Reliant department/provider?
If there are Reliant PCPs accepting new patients, you can contact our Patient Registration department to arrange a transfer. However, if there are no PCPs accepting new patients you may need to seek a PCP outside of the Reliant system.