Overall Rating
A provider may not have star ratings accompanying his/her website profile for one or more of the following reasons:
- Insufficient number of surveys - The provider has not yet reached the required minimum number of returned patient satisfaction surveys. We require a minimum of 30 surveys on an individual provider before displaying scores to ensure we have an adequate and representative sampling of patient feedback.
- Provider does not participate in the specific patient satisfaction survey that we translate into star ratings.
- Provider does not yet participate in the star rating program.
Danielle started her career in medicine as a registered nurse and worked in different areas including surgical care, trauma care, intensive care as well as urgent care.
“After working for 10 years as an RN, I wanted to see more of the outpatient side of medicine in my new role,” she explains. “I knew what a huge responsibility it is to be a provider, but I also knew how much that role can help and impact patients. I felt ready to take this challenge on, knowing that I would be able to use all my years as an RN combined with my education to care for my patients as an advanced practitioner.”
Danielle has always had a big interest in hematology and oncology. “It’s a specialty where you really have a unique opportunity to connect with patients and their families and make a meaningful difference in their lives.” Danielle believes that the most important thing you can do when taking care of patients is listen carefully to them. “I think it is also important to remember that you are not just caring for the patient in front of you, but also for their families and loved ones. It is important to look at the whole picture when caring for patients,” she explains. “I also strongly believe in approaching care plans and treatment plans together with my patients. This is because every person and situation is unique. It is so important to develop a trusting relationship with patients in order to provide the best care possible and have better outcomes.”
What Danielle likes most about her profession is taking care of patients and having a positive impact on their lives. “I enjoy that there is always so much that is changing and evolving in the field. So you are always able to learn and grow and find new and better ways to treat and care for patients.”
When she is not busy at Reliant, Danielle enjoys spending time with her husband and three children as well as the family dog. “We enjoy doing things together as a family, whether it is just hanging out at home, going on bike rides, or having living room dance parties. I also enjoy cooking, baking and reading.”
Offices and Locations
Worcester – Neponset Street
Simmons University
Northeastern University
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