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“I want to carefully guide patients to make the decisions that are best for them...”
Dr. David Carlson first became interested in medicine when he was working as a lifeguard at the YMCA during his teenage years. “I did first aid as part of that job, treating bumps and scrapes and even broken bones,” he explains. “That’s what really piqued my interest, but I also had a passion for science so it seemed natural to put those two things together to begin a career in medicine.”
Dr. Carlson says he enjoys following patients over time and getting to know them personally. Double board-certified in Internal Medicine and Pediatrics, he can see patients of any age. “I really enjoy getting to know entire families and seeing everyone from newborns to parents and grandparents. For me, just being able to help people navigate through their healthcare challenges is very satisfying.”
In his practice at Reliant Dr. Carlson likes to use his medical knowledge to educate patients as much as possible. “I want to carefully guide patients to make the decisions that are best for them in terms of their healthcare,” he explains. “What makes sense for one person in terms of treatment does not always make sense for the other, even if the problem is the same.”
Dr. Carlson says that one of the biggest issues his patients face nowadays is obesity. “Unfortunately, obesity can lead to a lot of problems such as hypertension, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease. It’s important to find ways to head off these problems early. I find if patients have diabetes or pre-diabetes then having them see a nutritionist is often very helpful.”
Of all the things Dr. Carlson does at Reliant, he says the part he enjoys the most is the interactions with people. “I really enjoy the patients, and also working with everyone from the front-desk staff to the nurses, advanced practitioners and other physicians and caregivers to make sure each patient gets the care they need.”
In his spare time Dr. Carlson enjoys running to stay in shape and is an avid woodworker. He also enjoys family time with his wife and two children.
Offices and Locations
Family Practice
American Board of Pediatrics
American Board of Internal Medicine
Medical School, Internship, & Residency: University of Massachusetts
Languages Spoken
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