John Leary, PA-C - Orthopedic Surgery

John Leary
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Overall Patient Rating

4.8 out of 5 stars - 251 total ratings

“I quickly developed an immediate interest in all things orthopedic.”

Physician Assistant John Leary is a graduate of the Physician Assistant Studies Program at Northeastern University. John first started in the medical field as an emergency room technician. He later decided to become a Physician Assistant and has been working in orthopedics and orthopedic surgery since 2001. “I worked closely with many orthopedic and hand surgeons during my early days in medicine in the emergency department and developed an immediate interest in all things orthopedic.” A strong believer in educating his patients, John feels the patient should be involved in the decision-making process and kept carefully informed of all surgical and non-surgical options in treating their problem. When he is not busy helping patients, John enjoys spending time with his wife and three children and playing golf.


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