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“I love treating people from all walks of life.”
Dr. Megan Curtis says that she always wanted to be a primary care physician. “My interest in preventative care at first led me into family medicine. I enjoyed family medicine because it allowed me to teach people about health and caring for themselves right from the start in childhood and throughout their life,” she explains. “I really enjoyed the diversity it offered.” Now as the physician leader of the Virtual ReadyMED team at Reliant, Dr. Curtis enjoys caring for patients remotely. “We strive to give people the same great care they would receive by coming to one of our offices. The technology we have today allows us to make care more accessible and convenient. Patients really seem to enjoy the experience.”
Dr. Curtis says that one of the most enjoyable aspects of her job is getting to know her patients. “I love treating people from all walks of life and different backgrounds and learning about their experiences. I don’t think I’ve ever met a patient that didn’t teach me something about life or about health.”
As a primary care physician Dr. Curtis believes one of the more difficult things to accomplish is helping patients change their behavior to enjoy better health. “That’s something I am always trying to work on. It’s fairly easy to treat someone with strep throat, but it gets more complicated when you have to help someone who wants to lose weight or better manage their diabetes,” she explains. “That’s why listening to the patient’s needs and setting goals is so important – and then figuring out how we can meet in the middle and come up with a care plan that is both realistic and gives us the best chance at success.”
One of the reasons Dr. Curtis decided to work at Reliant is because she enjoys the philosophy and approach to care here. “I like the fact that Reliant prioritizes primary care and integrates primary care with other services that patients need like behavioral health and addiction medicine. Plus, I think the team-based approach to care we have here really benefits the patient.”
When she is not busy helping patients Dr. Curtis enjoys spending time with her family (including her husband Seth who is also a physician at Reliant). Dr. Curtis enjoys being active and loves to swim and hike. She and her husband also love to cook and enjoy trying new restaurants and cuisines.
Offices and Locations
Family Practice
Virtual ReadyMED
ABFM- American Board of Family Medicine
Medical School: UMass Medical School
Residency: Swedish Family Medicine Residency - First Hill
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