Michael Brunell, PA - Internal Medicine, Virtual Primary Care

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Michael has always had an interest in medicine, and several personal health issues when he was younger helped make him familiar with the medical world from the patient perspective. “I realize being sick can be a scary and uncomfortable experience for some people. As a member of the Virtual Primary Care Team at Reliant, I want to guide people through that and make it easier for them as a patient,” he explains.

As a member of the Virtual Primary Care Team, Michael sees patients both virtually and in the office. “At Reliant we have a hybrid model where clinicians are available both in person and for video visits. Patients really seem to like this way of working, and it has been very enjoyable to practice in.”

Michael says that one of the biggest benefits of working virtually is that it makes it easier for the patient. “When you see someone virtually, they don’t have to take time off their job or find care for their children so they can come to their appointment,” he explains. “Working this way makes healthcare much more accessible to patients. Plus, with the technology we have we can provide the same level of care that a patient enjoys when they see a provider in-person.”

For Michael, trust is at the center of the provider-patient relationship. “I think it is important to be able to trust your provider so forming relationships with patients is really important. One reason I like primary care so much is that is allows me to form strong connections with patients, which really helps to build that trust.”

Michael knows that when treating a patient, everyone’s life experiences are different. “Understanding each patient’s needs and limitations is very important to me. I always try to take that into account and treat the whole person, not just the disease.”

When he is not busy helping patients, Michael enjoys spending time with his husband and kids as well as sports, cooking and sitting around a fire in the backyard.


Am I eligible to use Virtual ReadyMED?

Are you or the patient 4+ years old?
Are you in Massachusetts at time of video visit?
Do you have a Reliant PCP?
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Am I eligible to use Virtual ReadyMED?

Do you have a MyChart account?