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“I think being a parent gives you insight as a physician that would be hard to obtain otherwise.”
Dr. Milgrome originally began her career as a social worker working with teenagers. “When I got out into the world after college I found I really liked working with people on a one-on-one basis. I decided to go to medical school because I could help people more as a doctor than as a social worker.” Asked why she decided to become a pediatrician Dr. Milgrome recalls, “I found that when I did my rotations in medical school that I really enjoyed working with children of all ages. As a pediatrician I get great satisfaction whether I’m treating babies or teenagers.”
As well as being a pediatrician, Dr. Milgrome is also a parent, which she feels helps her in her practice. “Practicing here is really like an extension of myself – of being a mother and a parent. I think being a parent gives you insight as a physician that would be hard to obtain otherwise. For instance, I have a child with juvenile diabetes, and I think that gives me a lot of unique insight on the treatment of diabetic children.”
Asked what some of the biggest challenges pediatricians are facing today, Dr. Milgrome explains, “I think some of the biggest challenges we are dealing with are the lifestyle changes that have led to obesity and often behavioral problems. I can offer counseling for many issues but I can’t really step into the family’s shoes and change their lifestyle – only they can do that.”
Dr. Milgrome feels strongly that children need regular exercise to stay healthy but realizes that it can be difficult to achieve that goal. “Childhood obesity is a problem today because of the lack of opportunity for exercise and our eating habits. It’s hard for some children to play outdoors unsupervised and it’s hard for others to engage in organized sports because of various limitations. Parents are also spending more time at work and that makes it difficult for children too. But I do strive to emphasize the importance of exercise and good eating habits, because that’s really the only way to control weight in the long run.”
Although problems like obesity have grown, Dr. Milgrome has seen how diseases such as asthma and juvenile diabetes have become easier to treat. “We have made some notable advances in these areas with new drugs and treatments, hopefully we can continue to improve things in the future and make these diseases easier for children and their parents to deal with.”
Busy with her pediatric practice and young family, Dr. Milgrome doesn’t have a lot of free time, but when she does she enjoys reading and knitting and working on her house. She also enjoys swimming as a way to relax and get some exercise. She lives with her husband and two children in Acton, MA.
Offices and Locations
Partnering Provider
American Board of Pediatrics
Internship & Residency: University of Virginia Hospitals
Medical Education: UMass Medical School
Languages Spoken
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