Overall Rating
A provider may not have star ratings accompanying his/her website profile for one or more of the following reasons:
- Insufficient number of surveys - The provider has not yet reached the required minimum number of returned patient satisfaction surveys. We require a minimum of 30 surveys on an individual provider before displaying scores to ensure we have an adequate and representative sampling of patient feedback.
- Provider does not participate in the specific patient satisfaction survey that we translate into star ratings.
- Provider does not yet participate in the star rating program.
Amy Fraser says she has wanted to be a nurse since she was a child. “Once I became a nurse I just kept going,” she explains. “I was hungry for more knowledge and more background, which is why I became an advanced practitioner. I just always wanted to know more about medicine.”
Amy is a nurse practitioner and also a geriatric specialist. “I did not find this area, it found me. I think I fell in love with Geriatrics when I was about 15. I was volunteering on a clinical rotation and an elderly man fell into my arms in tears expressing his fears about a test he was about to undergo. Looking back, it was at that time that I knew where I belonged.”
Amy likes to practice using a team approach. “I supply information and logic and help guide patients and their families to the decisions that make the most sense for them,” she explains. “I work hard to completely support patients and families through this process. I want them to feel comfortable, educated and empowered. I always strive to embrace compassion and help people through their fears and concerns during these major changes in life.”
In her spare time Amy enjoys being with her husband and their daughter, as well as her two cats and her parent’s dog, “Jim.” She also loves to garden, read mystery novels, play billiards, darts and rummy, as well as attend concerts.
Offices and Locations
Worcester – Front Street
ANCC- Adult-Gerontology Primary Care Nurse Practitioner
Medical Education: MGH Institute of Health Professions
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