Luigi Pacifico, DO - Cardiology

Luigi Pacifico
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Overall Patient Rating

4.8 out of 5 stars - 143 total ratings

“Being a cardiologist is more than just a job – it’s a calling.”

Dr. Luigi Pacifico first became interested in medicine when he was in high school studying the scientist Leonardo DaVinci. “I actually took a whole semester in Renaissance studies and learned quite a bit about him. He was very interested in how the human body worked and was quite ahead of his time. Then later I worked at the Dana Farber Institute and after that I knew I wanted to be a doctor when I grew up. I really learned what a physician does working there.”

Dr. Pacifico enjoys taking advantage of the new technologies that are playing a key role in helping cardiology patients. “Cardiology has become a very high tech field. Now we have Pacemakers and Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillators and other sophisticated technologies that have allowed us to help patients enjoy a better quality of life. In addition, angioplasty and stents have really revolutionized the treatment of coronary artery disease. A lot of patients used to need coronary bypass surgery and now many of them can be treated with less invasive procedures – avoiding major surgery altogether.”

One of the biggest challenges Dr. Pacifico faces is getting his patients to change to a healthier lifestyle. “Even though we can perform high tech procedures such as coronary bypasses and angioplasties, unless you change the patient’s lifestyle, they will be back for more treatment. Patients still need to stop smoking, lose weight, take their medicine, and exercise. Unless patients do that, we can only help them so much.”

Dr. Pacifico enjoys practicing in an environment that lets him focus on his patients. “The thing I like the most about Reliant Medical Group is that it allows me to concentrate on practicing cardiology. The Clinic provides me with all the technology and the infrastructure I need to practice medicine. It really allows me to focus on my patients. In addition, we have a great staff here, many of whom that I have hired or trained myself. It all adds up to great care for our patients.”


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