Matthew Cronin, PA - Endocrinology

Overall Patient Rating

4.9 out of 5 stars - 183 total ratings

Matt first became interested in endocrinology as an undergrad student at UMass when he did research in the Energy Metabolism Lab. “The lab was funded by the American Diabetes Association and I contributed to several studies on metformin and exercise,” he explains. “It really piqued my interest in the field.”

During his graduate studies at Boston University, Matt composed his Master’s thesis on the efficacy of using exercise as medicine in individuals with type 2 diabetes. “My interest in endocrinology continued to grow when seeing patients during my clinical rotations while studying to be a PA. I really enjoy the complexity involved with hormone disorders. The same diagnosis can vary immensely from person to person and it makes every day a new and exciting challenge with a puzzle to solve.”

When treating patients Matt always makes sure that he considers the person involved rather than getting blinded by the problem. “When seeing lots of patients, it can become easy to be overly focused on the diagnosis or lab results and forget to put the patient first. I always make sure that my patients understand why things are being done a certain way and try and make sure that they understand their diagnosis as much as possible. Part of this comes from my background in teaching. I’ve taught students at every level from kindergarteners to grad students. So, I pride myself on being able to tailor my approach for whatever works best for the specific patient.”

When he is not busy helping patients, Matt enjoys cooking and baking. “I was even lucky enough to compete on a show with Gordon Ramsey a few years ago and cook live on TV alongside some of my family members. I also play football, softball, and soccer. I also love board games and play all the time with friends and family,” he explains. “I lived in the Boston area my whole life before moving to Philadelphia to start my medical career. I’m very excited to be back in the area and to continue helping the people in and around my hometown.”


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