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“I decided to become a pediatrician because I just enjoy being around children...”
Originally a chemistry major in college, Dr. Peter Keefe decided that when he graduated he wanted a career centered around helping people. “I found working in the lab as a chemistry major interesting, but something was missing for me. I wanted to use my knowledge to help people in a more direct way and felt a medical career would be more satisfying to me. I decided to become a pediatrician because I just enjoy being around children,” he recalls.
As a pediatrician, Dr. Keefe takes an individual, customized approach to helping the patients he treats. He is also very concerned with each patient’s overall health. “I strive to emphasize healthy lifestyles with the hope of preventing illnesses and problems down the road. That’s just as important for children and teenagers as it is for adults.”
Although he enjoys caring for children of all ages, Dr. Keefe especially enjoys working with newborns. “I really enjoy that aspect of being a pediatrician. Newborns have unique medical issues and I find it very rewarding caring for them. Fortunately, when a child in the nursery does have a medical problem it is usually a condition that you can readily identify and treat – I like that aspect of newborn care.”
For Dr. Keefe, the complexity of pediatrics is also very stimulating. “When you walk through the exam room door you don’t know if it is going to be a medical issue or a social issue and sorting that out can be very interesting. There is such a variety of aliments and problems – from moments after a baby is born to the college years – the spectrum of issues you deal with is huge.”
Dr. Keefe enjoys seeing the young patients he treats grow up over the years. “I enjoy being able to help them with their problems and guide them in ways that will be beneficial throughout their lives. It is great to see families that you have treated for over a decade and look back periodically and see how far everyone has come in life.”
In his years of working at Reliant Medical Group, Dr. Keefe has come to love working with his colleagues. “They are just a very dedicated and caring group of people. I feel lucky to work with such a motivated and passionate group of doctors and staff. We enjoy sharing ideas and collaborating with each other and I’m very proud of that.”
When he is not busy treating his many patients in Auburn, Dr. Keefe enjoys activities with his family. “We really enjoy the outdoors. My wife and I like to take our children camping and canoeing, especially in the Adirondacks. It’s a very rustic, beautiful area that we all enjoy.”
Offices and Locations
Partnering Provider
American Board of Pediatrics
Internship & Residency: UMass Medical School
Medical Education: SUNY Health Science Center
Languages Spoken
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