For those who may be suffering from sleep disorders such as apnea or insomnia, Reliant Medical Group features a comprehensive sleep clinic. Patients are carefully evaluated and diagnosed either via a home study or in our hospital-based lab at Saint Vincent Hospital. During the sleep study, the patient is carefully monitored for sleep apnea and other sleep disorders such as restlessness, insomnia etc.
Once a diagnosis is made, patients are seen by a Reliant Medical Group Pulmonologist for treatment. Sometimes behavioral changes are enough to cure sleep apnea. However, the most common treatment options for sleep apnea include CPAP machine, oral appliance or surgical evaluation by Reliant Medical Group’s Otolaryngology department. Our department also works closely with the Behavioral Health Department to assist patients who suffer from insomnia, PTSD related sleep disorders and a variety of other sleep problems.
To learn more about our Sleep Disorders Clinic, please talk to your primary care physician or call (508) 368-3120.