Laurie Marin, DO - Internal Medicine

Overall Patient Rating

4.8 out of 5 stars - 237 total ratings

“I really like the detective work that goes into figuring out what the diagnosis is.”

Growing up in Sharon, Massachusetts, Dr. Laurie Marin always loved science as a child. “I kind of decided at age ten that I wanted to be a doctor. It’s just what I always wanted to do,” she explains. “I’m glad I made that choice, because I really enjoy helping people with their health problems.”

Dr. Marin spent the first part of her medical career as a hospitalist, treating patients in a hospital setting. “The cases were always interesting, and it was a very exciting way to practice. Now, however, I enjoy working in primary care. It gives me a chance to bond with my patients, move with them through the years, and really get to know them.”

As an experienced internist, Dr. Marin is comfortable treating many different problems, from heart disease to COPD. “I kind of like seeing everything, and understanding how different problems affect each other. With my hospital background, I am very comfortable with multi-organ system problems. I also enjoy talking with my patients about preventative care. I have seen the problems that an unhealthy lifestyle can cause, and I like to counsel my patients so they can avoid those problems.”

One of the things Dr. Marin enjoys the most about being an internist is using her diagnostic skills. “I really like the detective work that goes into figuring out what the diagnosis is. Patients come in with a bunch of symptoms and you need to find out what is wrong. Often, it is something that you just didn’t think about initially. I really enjoy figuring difficult cases out – it’s what makes being a doctor special.”

When she is not busy seeing patients, Dr. Marin enjoys spending time with her husband and their three children. Whether day trips or vacations, they love to explore different places. Dr. Marin also enjoys reading (especially psychological thrillers), as well as swimming and gardening.


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