Mae Wolslegel, DO - Internal Medicine

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“I find if you establish a relationship with a patient first they are much more willing to make changes...”

Originally from California, Dr. Mae Wolslegel came east and graduated from the Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine. Trained as an osteopathic physician, she likes to emphasize preventative health care and has received extra training in the musculoskeletal system, including osteopathic manipulative treatment (OMT).

“In osteopathic medicine, the training is based on viewing the body of the patient as a whole, so with that comes additional training on body mechanics,” she explains. “It’s very hands-on medicine, so if a patient comes in with neck pain, I am able to do some adjustments, similar to what a chiropractor does. For instance, I will look for some misalignment that could be contributing to the pain. I can also do myofascial techniques, tissue massage, and other things to help patients.”

According to Dr. Wolslegel, one of the biggest challenges she faces is educating her patients on the benefits of leading a healthier life. “You want to get a patient to make a change before they have a heart attack, before they have a stroke. It’s often hard because everyone wants a quick fix and you have to convince the patient that it’s going to take time but the results will be worth it. I find if you establish a relationship with a patient first they are much more willing to make changes that are ultimately in their best interest.”

Dr. Wolslegel says her philosophy of care is about viewing the patient as a whole. “Most disease processes are complex, and treating a single complaint of a patient is not always efficient. That’s why as a physician you have to have to broaden your scope a little bit and see if there are better solutions to the problem.”

During her spare time Dr. Wolslegel enjoys cooking everything from Chinese to Italian food for her family and friends. She also enjoys practicing yoga, as well as outdoor activities like hiking with her husband and two children.


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