Edlira Duro, MD - Internal Medicine

Overall Patient Rating

4.8 out of 5 stars - 197 total ratings

“I knew I wanted to help people in need and medicine allows me to do that.”

The daughter of a math professor and an elementary school teacher, Dr. Edlira Duro has always loved interacting with people and found that medicine was the perfect career for her. “I knew I wanted to help people in need and being a physician allows me to do that.”

Dr. Duro formerly worked in Preoperative Admission Testing at the Worcester Medical Center. Now she works as an internist in primary care. Dr. Duro truly enjoys practicing medicine at Reliant Medical Group. “There is great support here – a lot of teamwork. Whenever I need something I just pick up the phone. I also like the new electronic health record we are using here. It makes it very easy to input and retrieve detailed information on each patient.”

During her spare time, Dr. Duro enjoys oil painting and for the last few years has taken classes at the Worcester Art Museum. She also enjoys playing volleyball and spending as much time as possible with her family. Dr. Duro also likes to travel and says she would like to visit every country in the world someday.


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