Sarah Biliouris, MA Lead for OB-Gyn at the Worcester Medical Center, was awarded a Kindle Fire HD in recognition of her selection as Reliant’s Champion of Patient Safety. The contest was held in recognition of National Patient Safety Week (March 3 – 9). Although Risk Management received many worthy nominations for Champion of Patient Safety, Sarah was ultimately chosen in recognition of her commitment to ensuring the clinical safety of our patients by carefully overseeing follow-up logs to ensure outreach to patients who require follow-up care, as well as her dedication to setting up educational programs for the MA staff at her site. Congratulations Sarah!
Shown from left to right are: Dr. Craig Best, Chair of OB-Gyn; Sarah Biliouris, Medical Assistant; Deb Snyder, Director of OB-Gyn; Steve Dolat, Executive VP of Clinic Operations and Jessica Vigliotti Esq., Senior Risk Manager.
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