5 Healthy Ways to De-Stress Around the Holidays

Dec 22, 2014 / Life and Living

The holidays are a fun time full of family gatherings and parties, but they can also be stressful as well. From crowded shopping malls, New Year’s dieting, to cooking for the masses- here are some tips to keep you calm as you make your way through the end of the year madness!

  • Practice saying no. Sometimes we tend to go overboard with making others happy during the holidays. It’s ok to take care of yourself by saying no once in a while! This will help take some stress off your plate.
  • Don’t sweat the small stuff. With so much going on, it’s unlikely all your events will be free of hang ups. Choosing to keep a positive mindset can help improve your mood and keep anxiety at bay.
  • Turn up those tunes. Make a playlist of your favorite songs (holiday themed or not), research shows listening to music can lower blood pressure and heart rate as well as curb anxiety and stress hormones. Don’t have time to sort through music? Try an automated streaming service.
  • Take a quick walk. Exercise gets endorphins flowing which improve your mood. Also, the rhythm and repetition of walking is known to have a tranquilizing effect on your brain, decreasing anxiety and improving sleep.
  • Vent. It’s completely normal for the craziness of the season to catch up with you and make you a little cranky. Don’t keep it bottled up inside! Pick up the phone or get a coffee with your friend and talk it out. Even if you can’t solve each other’s problems, having someone listening and relate to you still has a calming effect.

Keep these suggestions in mind if you feel the holiday blues coming on. Have any tips we left out? Leave a comment in the section below!

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