Of all the reasons Americans go to the doctor, back pain is second only to the common cold. By treating your back properly, you can prevent painful injuries to your back.
Check out these tips to prevent a back injury:
Maintain proper posture
- Make sure your lower back gets proper support when sitting
- Avoid sleeping on your stomach
- Walk around after sitting for long periods
- Try stretching exercises after inactivity
- Lift properly by following these steps:
- Always bend at the knees, not the waist
- Keep the object close to your body
- Make sure your have a good grip
- Keep the object close to your body
Stretching and exercise is important
- Simple stretches throughout the day can make your back more flexible and strong
- 30-45 minutes of exercise a day will help to strengthen and protect your back muscles
- Exercising the abdominal muscles is important for the back
- Swimming is ideal exercise for the abdominal muscles and the legs, it also takes pressure off your back
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