Most smokers want to quit, here are six tips that can make a difference:
Set a date.
Choosing a date to quit is the first step to a smoke-free life.
Stay motivated.
Make a list of the reasons you want to quit and read it when you have the urge to smoke.
Get Support.
Call the national tobacco quit line: 1-800-QUITNOW.
Change your routine.
Don’t go outside on breaks – it could tempt you to smoke.
Reward yourself for not smoking.
Give yourself a specific reward for reaching an important milestone.
Don’t be discouraged.
Many former smokers made several attempts before they finally quit. Consider using nicotine gum, lozenges or patches to help you to quit smoking. Remember, your chances of success increase with each attempt!
2 Responses
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I would like more information on your tobacco cessation programs. Thanks!
Hi Madeline,
If you have Fallon Community Health Plan, we often refer our patients to them because they have a great smoking cessation program. We also refer many of our patients to a state program called Quit Now. You can learn more about that program by calling 1-800-784-8669. Hope this helps!