Memorial Day kicks off the summer cookout season. It’s the perfect time to socialize with friends and family in the great outdoors while enjoying delicious food. Staying in tune with our bodies to feel healthy and happy can prevent us from overdoing it.
Try these tips to eat healthy while socializing this summer:
- Avoid arriving to your cookout over-hungry as this can lead to eating too much too quickly and then feeling stuffed and uncomfortable. Instead, eat a balanced meal before you leave home and avoid skipping meals in an effort to “make room” for party food.
- Survey the food scene before you decide what you want. Choose what is special and enjoyable, rather than eating the first things you come upon.
- Add some color to your meal. Fill half your plate with fruits and vegetables to help prevent overeating.
- Bring something you know will make your body feel good and keep you satisfied. Make enough to share, others will appreciate a healthy dish. A salad or fruit and/or vegetable dish might be nice to bring if you know your host does not serve fruits or vegetables.
- Use caution with alcohol intake. Alcohol is an empty calorie beverage and can lead to overeating.
These easy-to-follow suggestions will help keep you on track this summer. Enjoy!
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