In an effort to practice a more convenient, quicker, and eco-friendly way to send important messages to patients, Reliant Medical Group now uses MyChart more frequently whenever possible.
The types of messages now being sent via MyChart instead of regular mail include:
- Normal/stable test results
- Work/school letters
- School/camp forms
- General communications
Every time we send you a letter in MyChart, we will send you an email notification to make sure you are aware of it and there will also be a notification in your MyChart account.
When we send a message to your MyChart account, it arrives immediately – no need to wait for the mailman for important information. Plus, it’s easy to check your mail through MyChart. Simply sign in and go to the Menu and look for “Letters” listed under “Communication.”
MyChart users may continue to receive a physical letter via the U.S. mail from Reliant in certain instances, such as abnormal test results. And patients who do not have a MyChart account will continue to receive all letters through regular mail.
Don’t have a MyChart account? Sign up here or in person at your next appointment.
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