Reliant Makes it Easier to Receive the Mental Health Care You Need

By Sam Nordberg, PhD
Chief of Behavioral Health

May is Mental Health Month, an ideal time to learn how Reliant’s Behavioral Health department is helping patients deal with their mental health issues. Unfortunately, mental health challenges such as anxiety and depression are on the rise. In fact, according to The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 40 percent of U.S. adults reported they were struggling with mental health issues or a substance use problem as of June, 2020. According to the National Alliance on Mental Illness, one in six children aged six to 17 experience a mental health condition each year.

To help with this growing need, Reliant’s behavioral health team has been focused on building an innovative array of mental health services for adult and pediatric patients. We have also pioneered new approaches to more quickly connect patients to the care they need. These are just some of the reasons we have been recognized nationally as leaders in mental health innovation. Below you will see some of the ways we are helping thousands of Reliant patients each day.

An integrated care team for more complete care
At Reliant, we offer our behavioral health services inside our own primary care offices and in conjunction with the patient’s primary care team. We feel it’s important for a patient to see a behavioral health specialist in a setting where they are most comfortable receiving care. This helps break down the stigma of receiving needed mental health services. It also helps patients realize that their mental health is a key part of their overall health and wellness.

Dedicated care for children, adolescents and families
According to the National Alliance on Mental Illness, 50% of mental health illnesses begin by the time someone is 14 years old. Unfortunately, mental health issues during youth often lead to other problems such as increased risk of drug use, domestic and family violence, and higher risk sexual behaviors. Addressing mental health concerns early in life is an important way to prevent more significant challenges later. Our therapists strive to teach healthy coping strategies so children and their families can communicate better with one another, manage stress and intense emotions, and live calmer, healthier lives.

A full array of digital care services
If patients are not interested in traditional psychotherapy and prefer a more flexible approach, we can provide services virtually through connected devices and dedicated apps. One of the key benefits of our digital treatment tools is that they can be deployed very quickly to help patients. These skill-building exercises and other therapies also allow us to precisely target individual challenges. Most importantly, these virtual, self-guided tools can be just as effective as our psychotherapy sessions.

DBT Therapy gives patients the tools they need for success
Our Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) Center is designed to help patients in both crisis mode and everyday life. This gold-standard treatment for suicide prevention supports our most vulnerable patients in building a life worth living. DBT gives patients the tools they need to be successful and properly manage their emotional experiences. DBT also allows new strategies to be quickly implemented to cope with highly challenging situations. During treatment, patients learn to reduce negative beliefs, change risky behaviors, and increase their connection to themselves and others. DBT also give patients the strength and resilience they need to use their newly-learned skills over the course of a lifetime.

Making a difference for bariatric health
Obesity is a chronic health condition affected by genetic, environmental, and psychological factors. For this reason, patients in Reliant’s Bariatric Medicine program are carefully guided by our behavioral health providers to learn the healthy life habits they need for success. We also work closely with patients on issues such as food insecurity, body stigma, and upsetting life experiences that can get in the way of successful treatment. The Bariatric Medicine program at Reliant has helped many patients greatly improve their health, with and without the need for surgery.

If you believe you or a family member has a problem with anxiety, depression, or any other mental health concern, the Behavioral Health department at Reliant is here to help. Please visit our website to learn more about the services we offer. A referral from a primary care provider (PCP) is required for treatment. Please talk to your PCP or call us at (508) 856-0732 for more information.

Reliant Makes it Easier to Receive the Mental Health Care You Need

About Samuel Nordberg, PhD -Chief of Behavioral Health

For Dr. Samuel Nordberg, it was the events of September 11th, 2001 that led him to ultimately decide to become a psychologist. “On that day I was at work in the World Trade Center,” he explains. “9/11 more or less changed my life. I decided to leave my job in the financial industry and pursue something that would give me more meaning and purpose in my life.”

Dr. Nordberg eventually decided to go back to school,...

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