Month: July 2016

Life after Bariatric Surgery Group Recipes of the Month –July 2016

Summer Vegetables Three-Cheese Frittata Makes 6 servings Ingredients 1 tablespoon olive oil 4 ounces sliced mushrooms 1/2 green or red bell pepper, diced 1/2 zucchini, seeded and diced 1/4 …

What Type of Sunscreen is Right for You?

During the summer months the sun is not only strongest but we also tend to spend a lot more time outdoors, which makes it even more important to protect …

Jul 18, 2016 / Nutrition / Seniors

Do You Really Need a Multivitamin?

Lots of people, especially those over age 55, like to take a multivitamin each day. But despite their popularity, there is almost no scientific evidence that taking a multivitamin …

Jul 18, 2016 / Highlights / News

Sign Up For Text Message Appointment Reminders

As a patient of Reliant Medical Group, you can receive a text message appointment reminder (instead of a telephone message) two days before your scheduled appointment. If we have your mobile telephone number on …

Medical Mythbuster: Can Eating Spicy Foods Help You Beat the Heat?

Have you ever noticed that spicy foods tend to come from the hottest parts of the world? It turns out that eating hot, spicy foods can actually increase your …


Am I eligible to use Virtual ReadyMED?

Are you or the patient 4+ years old?
Are you in Massachusetts at time of video visit?
Do you have a Reliant PCP?
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Am I eligible to use Virtual ReadyMED?

Do you have a MyChart account?