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Category Archives: Health Advice

How Can People Protect Their Health When Temperatures are Very High?

The two important tips for protecting your health during extreme heat are to keep cool and use common sense. For example: Stay in cool places – air conditioning if …

What are Some of the Warning Signs of Heat-Related Illnesses and What Should I Do?

There are a variety of heat-related illnesses and the warning signs and symptoms are similar, but unique for each. Some of the most common illnesses and their warning signs …

Fast Facts About Sun Exposure

With the warm weather upon us, everyone wants to be outside and bask in the sunshine. But don’t forget to protect yourself against the sun’s harsh rays. Check out …

Five Ways to Avoid Skin Cancer

You can greatly reduce your chances of getting skin cancer by following these 5 simple guidelines: Try to avoid sun exposure between 10am and 4pm when the rays are …

Children and Sunburn: A Dangerous Combination

According to recent medical research, children who suffer just one severe blistering sunburn may have doubled their chances of getting skin cancer. Although the pain of the sunburn may …

“Tide Pod Challenge” is the Latest Dangerous Teen Fad

Teenagers have always been prone to faddish trends (and sometimes doing dumb things) but more recent fads, such as the “Tide pod challenge” and “fire challenge,” have risen to …

Marijuana – Is It Really Dangerous?

By Dr. Michael Sheehy, Chief of Population Health and Analytics It’s hard not to notice that people’s attitudes to marijuana have changed pretty dramatically over the years. Once known …

Thinking of Buying a Waist Trainer? Here’s a Second Opinion.

These days, fads can spread quickly thanks to social media. Recently, waist trainers have become popular with some young women. The idea is to look thinner and leaner by …

Apr 21, 2016 / Health Advice / Oncology

Having a Colonoscopy? Learn How to Make it a Little Easier

Many people get nervous about having a colonoscopy, so we thought it would be good to offer some tips and advice on going through this important procedure. Although you …

Super Lice Becoming a Super Big Problem

Head lice, those pesky little critters, seem to be frustrating kids and parents everywhere. And if lice weren’t already hard enough to get rid of, now families have to …


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