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Category Archives: Life and Living

Beware of Summer Drowning Dangers!

Kia McCarthy, NP Reliant Medical Group Pediatrics It’s summertime, a time of year when families love to spend time in and around the water. While frolicking in oceans, lakes, …

Is a Medication Shortage Affecting You? Here’s Some Advice That Can Help

By Mirjeta Bytyqi, PharmD – Director of Clinical Pharmacy and Drug Management Services For some time, a number of medications prescribed by doctors and other caregivers have been in …

Mar 1, 2023 / Life and Living / News

Symptom Checker is Here to Help You!

Just because you feel ill doesn’t mean you need to call your doctor’s office. Symptom Checker is available through MyChart for Reliant patients age 12 and older who have …

Making Good on Your New Year’s Resolution

Having a New Year’s resolution is always a good idea, but carrying through on it is even better. So here’s some advice and tips that can help you make …

How Can People Protect Their Health When Temperatures are Very High?

The two important tips for protecting your health during extreme heat are to keep cool and use common sense. For example: Stay in cool places – air conditioning if …

What are Some of the Warning Signs of Heat-Related Illnesses and What Should I Do?

There are a variety of heat-related illnesses and the warning signs and symptoms are similar, but unique for each. Some of the most common illnesses and their warning signs …

A Filthy Phone May Make You Sick – Here’s How to Disinfect It.

By Ye Li, MD Family Practice Reliant Medical Group We all seem to spend a lot of time using our cell phones these days. In fact, it is estimated …

How Virtual Care Benefits You

By Larry Garber, MD Reliant Medical Group Internist and Director of Informatics You may have heard about “virtual care,” or “telemedicine” but are not sure what it is. Virtual …

Feeling Cooler? Study Says Average Human Temperature is No Longer 98.6.

By Michael Sheehy, MD Chief of Population Health and Analytics Reliant Medical Group  Back in 1851, a German doctor named Carl Wunderlich determined that the average human body temperature …

Start the Check-In Process at Home With MyChart

Did you know that many of our new locations offer the ability to start the check-in process at home? Just make sure that you are signed up for MyChart …

Assigning a MyChart Adult Proxy

Did you know that as an adult, you can allow someone access to your MyChart account in place of or in addition to yourself? This is called proxy access. …

“Tide Pod Challenge” is the Latest Dangerous Teen Fad

Teenagers have always been prone to faddish trends (and sometimes doing dumb things) but more recent fads, such as the “Tide pod challenge” and “fire challenge,” have risen to …

Marijuana – Is It Really Dangerous?

By Dr. Michael Sheehy, Chief of Population Health and Analytics It’s hard not to notice that people’s attitudes to marijuana have changed pretty dramatically over the years. Once known …


Am I eligible to use Virtual ReadyMED?

Are you or the patient 4+ years old?
Are you in Massachusetts at time of video visit?
Do you have a Reliant PCP?
Do you have access to email on the device you are using?
By continuing I’m giving Reliant permission to communicate with me via text or email to complete this visit.

Am I eligible to use Virtual ReadyMED?

Do you have a MyChart account?