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Category Archives: Internal Medicine

Should Yoga Be Your Only Workout Routine?

By Karen Fleming, NP Reliant Medical Group Internal Medicine The next time you roll out your yoga mat, chances are that you’re not alone – yoga is more popular …

Bike Helmets Make Summer Safer

By Dr. Herath Wijerathna Reliant Medical Group Internal Medicine Each year, more than 300,000 children go to the emergency room due to injuries caused on a bike. Accidents and …

Working Out Hard? Be Sure to Choose the Right Sports Drink

By Dr. Justin Dorfman, Reliant Medical Group Internal Medicine (Board-certified in Sports Medicine) Do you take your exercise seriously? Runners, cyclists, soccer players and other athletes who engage in …

I’m an Adult, Do I Still Need to Get Vaccinated?

By Dr. Michael Sheehy, Chief of Population Health and Analytics Reliant Medical Group Many adults believe that other than for the flu, vaccines are for kids. However, it’s very important …

Going Abroad? Here’s How to Safeguard Your Health

Getting sick while vacationing in the US is one thing, but becoming ill abroad is a different ball-game. Care can be a lot harder to find and more expensive. …

Can Drinking Coffee Really Help You Live Longer?

It’s a good time to be a coffee lover – especially if you want to live a long life. You may have seen in the news lately that according …

Thinking of Going Vegan?

Karen Flemming, NP Internal Medicine Chances are, you probably know someone who has “gone vegan.” While this type of lifestyle has become more popular than ever, it’s still a …

Warm Weather and Automobiles Can Be a Deadly Mix

By Dr. Eric Lupoli Reliant Medical Group Internal Medicine Death by heatstroke in cars continues to be a problem in America. Since 1998, the average number of deaths caused …

Apr 10, 2017 / Internal Medicine

Don’t Let Stress Ruin Your Health

Stress is a fact of life for all of us. We experience it at our jobs, at home, even when we are driving. A small amount of stress can …

Hands Cold as Ice? It Could be Raynaud’s Syndrome.

By Usha Rallapalli, MD Reliant Medical Group Family Medicine Winters in New England are already pretty tough, but for those with Raynaud’s syndrome, just being outside for a matter …

5 Reasons Why a Detox Diet is a Bad Idea

Chances are, you’ve heard about detox diets, those special dietary regimens that promise to cleanse out your system and help you lose weight at the same time. Many of …

Flossing – Are the Benefits Real?

An investigation recently done by the Associated Press has many people (especially dentists) grinding their teeth. The report says there is no conclusive scientific studies showing the benefit of …


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