Category Archives: Geriatrics

Mar 14, 2020 / Geriatrics / Seniors

Walking Makes Exercise Easy for Seniors!

Now that spring is almost here it’s a great time to enjoy one of the best forms of exercise there is for those over 65 – walking. Walking is …

Sep 18, 2016 / Geriatrics / Neurology / Seniors

Can You Train Your Brain to Reduce the Incidence of Dementia?

Since everyone who gets older can be affected by dementia, finding a way to prevent it is something researchers have long looked for. Finally, scientists may have found a …

Know the Warning Signs of Heatstroke

Heatstroke is a very dangerous condition caused by the body overheating. It requires immediate treatment as it can be life-threatening. Look for these warning signs: High body temperature. A body …

Jan 20, 2015 / Geriatrics / Seniors

Are You Getting Enough Sleep?

Medical experts agree that a lack of sleep takes a toll on your mind, body, and overall health. A good night’s rest doesn’t just make you feel good, it …

Dec 18, 2014 / Geriatrics / Seniors

Should I Get the Shingles Vaccine?

Chances are, you’ve heard about shingles and the vaccine used to prevent it. In the United States, approximately one in three people will develop shingles during their lifetime, so …

Dec 12, 2014 / Geriatrics / Seniors

Winter Safety Tips Every Senior Should Know

It’s a fact that older adults have more issues with cold, snowy wintertime weather than others. Here are some tips to help keep you or a loved one a …

Dec 9, 2014 / Geriatrics / Seniors

Seeing Flakes? Here’s How to Prevent Dry, Itchy Skin this Winter.

Thanks to colder temperatures, low humidity, and dry indoor heat, many people suffer from dry skin during the winter months. To help prevent dry skin, follow these tips: Use …

Nov 10, 2014 / Geriatrics / Seniors

What is Alzheimer’s Disease?

There’s no doubt that Alzheimer’s disease is a difficult disease to deal with. This progressive brain disorder is named for Dr. Alois Alzheimer, who first noted the disease in …

Cardiologists Get to the Heart of the Problem

The heart isn’t just one of the most important organs in the body, it’s also one of the most complicated. We don’t often think much about the complex functioning …

Oct 17, 2014 / Geriatrics / Seniors

Want to Avoid the Flu? Follow These Tips!

Flu viruses spread mainly from person to person contact through droplets when people cough, sneeze or talk. They also spread when people touch something with the flu virus on …

Oct 8, 2014 / Geriatrics / Seniors

Do I Need to See a Rheumatologist?

Although it’s a little hard to believe, the first members of the baby-boom generation are now 65 or older. If you are around that age, you’ve probably noticed a …

Oct 2, 2014 / Geriatrics / Seniors

Vitamin D – Are You Getting Enough?

People over 65 are much more prone to develop vitamin D deficiency because of various risk factors including decreased dietary intake, diminished sunlight exposure, reduced skin thickness, decreased intestinal …

Aug 24, 2014 / Geriatrics / Seniors

Making Sense of Your Cholesterol Numbers

Chances are, you’ve talked to your doctor about the importance of keeping your cholesterol levels healthy. Cholesterol levels are a key factor in predicting your chance of having a …

Aug 11, 2014 / Geriatrics / Seniors

Going on a trip outside of the country? Remember that safeguarding yourself from disease is just as important as a passport.

Many seniors love the fact that they finally have the time to travel. However, planning that “trip of a lifetime” means more than finding the best deal on airline …

Neurological Disorders – a Common Problem of Aging

As we age, all of us notice changes in our hair, skin and joints that let us know we are getting older. Along with these visible changes, our brains …

Jul 15, 2014 / Geriatrics / Seniors

Poison ivy – a summer hazard you want to avoid

During the nice summer weather, most seniors like to get outside and enjoy the great outdoors. Although we hear a lot in the news about bears and great white …

Jul 14, 2014 / Geriatrics / Seniors

I’m over 65, do I still need to protect myself from the sun?

For years most of us have been told to take precautions when out in the sun to avoid skin damage as we get older – but what if we …

Jun 16, 2014 / Geriatrics / Seniors

Dehydration – A Risk Every Senior Needs to Know

We all get thirsty, especially during a hot day or after exercise. Unfortunately, seniors often don’t get thirsty enough to stay hydrated. This is because the body’s signaling mechanisms …

May 2, 2014 / Geriatrics / Seniors

Do I Need an Advance Directive?

An advance directive, which includes living wills and medical powers of attorney (Health Care Proxy) , are legal documents that direct your wishes for care when you are unable …

Choosing Wisely – Making the Right Health Decisions

Recently, the American Geriatrics Society partnered with American Board of Internal Medicine on an initiative called Choosing Wisely, which highlights “Ten Things Physicians and Patients Should Question.” The goal …

Jan 23, 2014 / Geriatrics / Seniors

How to Exercise Safely in the Cold Weather: A Guide for Seniors

Despite the chilly air, winter is a great time for exercising outdoors. In Central Massachusetts, we have are lucky to be surrounded by beautiful scenery and have access to …

Jan 23, 2014 / Geriatrics / Seniors

Tips for Seniors: Understanding and Identifying Depression

Do you often feel sad or depressed? If so, you are not alone. Depression is a common problem for many people as they get older. It can be brought …


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