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Category Archives: Medical Mythbuster

Medical Mythbuster: I Keep Losing My Car Keys, is it a Sign of Alzheimer’s Disease?

By David B. Sommer, MD MPH Reliant Medical Group Neurology To forget is human. Our brains are not perfect machines, and we all forget important things sometimes. Most of …

Medical Mythbuster: Can Grape Juice Help Prevent Me From Getting a Stomach Bug?

The idea that drinking some grape juice could help you ward off an annoying stomach virus would be great if it were true. However, there doesn’t seem to be …

Medical Mythbuster: Is Sparkling Water as Hydrating as Regular Water?

Yes indeed, sparkling water is just as hydrating as regular water. In fact, the CDC actually recommends sparkling water as an excellent alternative to sugary drinks and a good …

Medical Mythbuster: Can Wearing Flip-Flops Protect Against Athlete’s Foot?

By Russell Cournoyer, DPM Reliant Medical Group Podiatry We all know that public showers, locker rooms and swimming pools can be breeding grounds for athlete’s foot. That’s because the …

Medical Mythbuster: Can Drinking Cranberry Juice Stop Urinary Tract Infections?

Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are one of the most common reasons why women have to visit a doctor. Many people believe that drinking cranberry juice or taking cranberry supplements …

Jul 18, 2018 / Medical Mythbuster

Medical Mythbuster: Can a Used Bar of Soap Transmit Infection?

If you’ve used a public shower, you’ve probably wondered about that bar of soap that’s conveniently sitting in the soap stand. Is it really safe to use? Fortunately, scientists …

Medical Mythbuster: Are Indoor Plants Good For Your Health?

There’s no doubt that houseplants can help purify the air around you, but evidence of concrete health benefits is hard to measure. Plants naturally remove toxic compounds from the …

Medical Mythbuster: Does Toothpaste Help Get Rid of Pimples?

People find pimples so annoying that they will reach for almost any solution to deal with them – including toothpaste. Although typical white toothpaste does contain some ingredients that …

Medical Mythbuster: Is Drinking Milk With a Cold Okay?

The belief that milk might increase the production of mucus has been around for centuries. However, this seems to be more myth than fact. Experts believe that although drinking milk may make …

Medical Mythbuster: Does Alcohol Make You Warm if You Are Freezing?

Perhaps this myth started with the image of a Saint Bernard carrying a flask of brandy around his neck when rescuing people buried by snow in the French Alps. …

Medical Mythbuster: Does an Apple a Day Really Keep the Doctor Away?

By itself, probably not but when added to other healthy habits i.e., eating well, staying active, and following your doctor’s orders, eating an apple a day can contribute to …

Medical Mythbuster: Can You Cure a Hangover?

By Karen Flemming, NP Internal Medicine For centuries people have tried to alleviate the headache, dry mouth, and other unpleasant symptoms of a hangover. Unfortunately, no one has discovered …

Medical Mythbuster: Can You Really Catch a Disease From a Toilet Seat?

Not surprisingly, many of us can feel uneasy using a public restroom. Even if it looks clean, we wonder about all the germs that could be lurking there. Fortunately, …

Medical Mythbuster: Does Air Conditioning Cause Sinus Problems?

Yes, air conditioning can affect people’s sinuses for a couple reasons. The first being that cold, dry rooms trigger runny noses the same way going outside in the winter …

Jun 10, 2017 / Medical Mythbuster

Medical Mythbuster: Is Yawning Really Contagious?

Yes, yawning really is contagious – both among people and animals. Even viewing a photo of someone yawning can make people more likely to yawn. However, scientists are still …

Medical Mythbuster: Does Eating Chocolate Cause Acne?

Chocolate lovers can rejoice. Contrary to popular belief, there is no known connection between food and acne. Scientists have found that acne is caused by a person’s genetics, oil …

Medical Mythbuster: Is Eating Chicken Soup Good for a Cold?

Grandmothers throughout America will be glad to know that chicken soup really can help you deal with a cold. In fact, medical researchers have put more than a few …

Medical Mythbuster: Are Frozen Fruits and Vegetables as Nutritious as Fresh?

This idea is a myth. In fact, frozen fruits and vegetables can sometimes be even more nutritious than fresh. How so? Picking fruits and vegetables at the peak of …

Medical Mythbuster: Is it Dangerous to Wake a Sleepwalker?

It’s a myth that waking a sleepwalker will cause them to have a heart attack, or another sudden health problem. However, that doesn’t mean you should wake a sleepwalker. …

Oct 11, 2016 / Medical Mythbuster

Medical Mythbuster: Can Houseplants Make You Sick?

Unfortunately the answer is yes. Not only are some houseplants poisonous (such as lilies and philodendron) the moist soil inside planted pots can also be a breeding ground for …

Medical Mythbuster: Are Brand-Name Medicines Better Than Generics?

Some people believe that they are better off taking a brand-name medicine (which is more expensive) instead of a comparable generic. However, generic medicines contain the same active ingredients …

Medical Mythbuster: Does Caffeine Enhance Athletic Performance?

We’re not sure if Usain Bolt likes to down an iced latte before a big race, but recent studies show that caffeine does have a measurable effect on athletic …

Medical Mythbuster: Can Eating Spicy Foods Help You Beat the Heat?

Have you ever noticed that spicy foods tend to come from the hottest parts of the world? It turns out that eating hot, spicy foods can actually increase your …

Medical Mythbuster: Can Urine Relieve the Pain of a Jellyfish Sting?

This idea has been around a long time, and even made its way onto an episode of the popular TV show Friends. However, we can say without hesitation that …


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