The idea that drinking some grape juice could help you ward off an annoying stomach virus would be great if it were true. However, there doesn’t seem to be any real evidence to support this popular misconception.
Some people claim that drinking grape juice changes the ph of your digestive tract, making it harder for a stomach virus to multiply. They also claim that grape juice has other anti-viral properties to ward off the virus. However, there’s really no scientific evidence of this and ph levels in the body are variable anyway.
Remember that a stomach virus is contracted through contaminated food or water or through contact with another person who is ill. So the best way to prevent getting infected is to wash your hands often. Grapes and grape juice do have lots of vitamin C, however, and that can help support your immune system. So feel free to have a glass of grape juice if you want – just don’t expect it to ward off a stomach virus!
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We all would get the stomach virus every year. Then we started drinking 100% grape juice for about 5 years now and NO One in my household has got the dreaded stomach Virus since .
We mix a little apple cider vinegar in ours and drink it every other to every few days and we have made it through public school with no sicknesses. If I get lax on it is when something comes home. I tell everyone I meet to try it.
I have been giving my kids grape juice for ten years, along with oregano oil. We are ten years stomach bug free. My two kids were the only kids left standing a couple of years ago when it swept through their school. Everyone asked me what our secret is.
Me and my kids drink a few gulps most nights at supper and have not had the stomache flu in three years. My husband does not partake and he has had it. The neighbours all drop like flies and we still don’t get it. Our local school was on infection alert last year and we didn’t get it. That is enough proof for me.
I’m currently putting it to the test right now, my grandkids have been sick for over a week going from child to child and parents, I have been thrown up on multiple times and so far I am not sick(crossing fingers) I have been drinking grape juice every day for over a month so we will see if this remedy rings true!
Say what you want, but it literally has worked in my home any time anyone has been exposed to the virus. Even if someone in our house has gotten it, the rest of us don’t get it. Every. Single. Time.!!!!
It works every time for me.