Yes, yawning really is contagious – both among people and animals. Even viewing a photo of someone yawning can make people more likely to yawn. However, scientists are still debating the exact reasons people and animals yawn. Some researchers think that yawning may help regulate the temperature of the brain. This may explain why it seems to spread so rapidly in a group environment. It is believed that yawning is contagious in about 60 to 70 percent of people. So the next time you yawn at a meeting, see how many of your coworkers yawn along with you.
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That’s a cute photo! And at first glance I almost yawned. Yes, it it true that yawning is contagious. I’ve observed this over many of my 80+ years. However, I’m not sure if yawning is contagious among hostile people. I’ve only observed it in peaceful situations, FWIW.