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“I like the fact that in rheumatology things aren’t so black and white.”
Born in Brazil, Dr. Hugo Raposo comes from a family of physicians. “My uncle and my cousin are both doctors,” he explains. “When I was growing up, I always wanted to follow in their footsteps and become a doctor. Quite honestly, I never really wanted to do anything else. Now I love being in a profession that helps others and being able to connect with people of different cultures.”
Dr. Raposo enjoys the challenge of seeing a range of patient problems and making a diagnosis. “I like the fact that in rheumatology things aren’t so black and white. There is a lot of interpretation needed by the doctor. It’s also a very hands-on specialty, you have to see a patient in person and get to know them to make the right diagnosis.”
In his practice at Reliant, Dr. Raposo enjoys performing a variety of procedures, including injections for knees, wrists, and shoulders to alleviate symptoms for patients, as well as for diagnostic purposes. “I try to set realistic expectations when treating a patient. Rheumatic illnesses can be challenging to treat and often take time to find a solution. Many patients, such as those with lupus, will also need to see other specialists.”
According to Dr. Raposo, people with one autoimmune disease are more likely to have another. “Lupus, for example, is one name for a disease that encompasses many conditions. Some people with lupus will have skin issues, others will have kidney issues, and others will have joint problems. We may not have all the answers for rheumatic illnesses, but at least we have more effective treatments than ever before.”
In his spare time Dr. Raposo enjoys working out at the gym, playing soccer, skiing, boating on Webster Lake, and traveling with his wife when he has the time.
Offices and Locations
Worcester – Neponset Street
Medical Education:
University of New England, Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine (DO)
UMass Chan School of Medicine, Internal Medicine
UMass Chan School of Medicine, Rheumatology
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