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Although she originally wanted to be a teacher when she was a child in Peru, when the daughter of a family friend suddenly became ill, Dr. July Lau-Deza decided studying medicine would have a bigger impact helping others and become her life’s work.
A pulmonologist, Dr. Lau-Deza treats all manner of lung problems but has a special interest in helping patients with lung cancer, COPD, sarcoidosis and interstitial lung diseases. Some typical procedures she might perform for patients are bronchoscopies to make diagnoses, lung and lymph node biopsies, and thoracentesis to drain fluid from the lungs.
When treating patients, Dr. Lau-Deza always tries to involve the family as much as possible. “For example, if I see a patient that likely has lung cancer or really severe COPD I try to involve the family as much as possible,” she explains. “The family is really going to be the one taking care of the patient on a day to day basis so it’s important to partner with them so they can understand what to expect.”
Dr. Lau-Deza treats many COPD patients and likes to emphasize that it’s important to exercise regularly. “When you breathe it’s not only your lungs that are working, it’s also your heart and muscles in the diaphragm that allow you to breath. We all lose lung function as we get older but exercise can help offset some symptoms. Fortunately, there are ways to help patients that we didn’t have before, including different types of inhalers, and even some surgeries that have helped to improve the quality of life and prolong people lives.”
Dr. Lau-Deza says that the best way to prevent lung problems is not ever smoking or vaping. “I realize quitting smoking is very hard, but it’s one of the best things you can do for your health,” she explains.
In her spare time Dr. Lau-Deza enjoys music and singing and spending time with her husband and two children. She also likes visiting her native Peru.
Offices and Locations
Worcester Medical Center
Clinical Interests
Critical Care
Medical Education:
Cayetano Heredia University
Georgetown-Washington Hospital
Albert Einstein Healthcare Network
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