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Kelsey started her career as a pediatric homecare nurse, caring for a variety of medically complex children. “I come from a big family and have known I always wanted to work with children,” she explains. “As I became older it became clear to me that pediatrics was where I wanted to focus my education and career.”
After a number of years practicing Kelsey decided to go back to school to further her education and become a pediatric nurse practitioner, “As I cared for kids with varying degrees of medical disabilities, I learned quickly that I wanted a bigger voice in their care planning,” she explains. “I enjoy collaborating with the care team and working closely with children and their families to make sure they get the proper holistic care they need.”
According to Kelsey, children have more resilience than any other group of patients. “I think one reason people in this field are so passionate about their jobs is the resiliency of children. They are able to overcome so many things. It really makes a difference caring for them.”
When she is not busy seeing patients, Kelsey enjoys group fitness classes, reading, crafting, spending time on favorite Cape beaches, as well as being with friends and family and her black lab Ruby.
Offices and Locations
Bachelor of Science in Nursing: UMass Amherst
Master's PNP: Regis College
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