Ryan Guilfoyle, LMHC - Behavioral Health

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Ryan chose to work in Behavioral Health because he wanted a fulfilling career that would benefit others. At Reliant, he enjoys using his education and experience to help people enjoy better mental health.

Ryan says that the phrase mental health carries a stigma and is often misunderstood. “One of my core philosophies is to normalize the experience of having mental health challenges,” he explains. “Having a mental health diagnosis or experiencing psychosis or a depressive episode ought not to diminish any person or their potential. I’m hopeful that over time the general public continues to accept and understand mental health challenges as a totally normal and treatable part of a person’s life.”

During his career Ryan has helped many adults who had very high levels of need and limited problem-solving skills. “I have often served as a connection between a person experiencing severe structural issues in their life and outpatient or community supports which can allow them to stabilize and thrive,” he explains. “I appreciate the opportunity to use my knowledge and expertise to pass along these resources which can be of great benefit to many patients.”

Ryan finds it extremely gratifying to be alongside someone in their journey and to see them incorporate the skills and resilience they need to better cope with life’s challenges. “I believe a person deserves credit for any change they’re able to make and success they’re able to have. It’s a great feeling to be able to play a role in a patient’s success.”

When he is not busy helping patients Ryan enjoys hiking, rowing, and playing softball. He also enjoys playing music.


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