Shawna Baker, DNP - Family Practice

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Shawna started her career in healthcare as a certified nursing assistant and after much hard work and study, is now a Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP). “I became a nurse practitioner because I love being a nurse. As nurses we are taught to relate to individuals, look at the details, and approach health from a psychosocial model that considers how all the different aspects of a person’s life affect disease and wellness,” she explains. “Making a difference for patients is the center of what I do each day.”

In her work at Reliant Shawna enjoys providing care to all ages and focusing on primary care and preventative medicine. “I love having the opportunity to build relationships with my patients throughout their lifetime and the entirety of their care,” she explains. “I approach each patient encounter individually and I seek to practice using the best current evidence and with the utmost compassion. I strive to help patients be in charge of their care so that as partners, we attain the best optimum health.”

According to Shawna, as a nurse practitioner there is always more to learn. “The scope of clinical knowledge I use in my field of practice is extremely vast,” she explains. “There’s always room to learn more. I always adapt my perspective to be one that embraces the opportunity to learn.”

In her spare time Shawna loves to cook and read a good novel. “I love learning new recipes of delicious dishes from all over the world.”


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