The Process of Reproduction
Conceiving a child is a remarkably complex process. For conception to take place, a series of different hormonal, chemical and physical events must take place in exact order.
Healthy sperm must be produced by a male, be released into a female, then make their way through the cervix, into the uterus and then into a fallopian tube. Once in the fallopian tube, the sperm must encounter a viable egg. Then the sperm must attach itself to the egg, penetrate it, and fertilize the ovum. After migrating in the fallopian tube for approximately two days, the fertilized egg descends into the uterus, grows and divides, then finally implants itself on the uterine wall where it eventually becomes a fetus.
During this complex chain of events, a single disruption such as non-viable sperm, a blocked fallopian tube or hormonal imbalances within the body can cause a break in the process, resulting in infertility.
Diagnosing Infertility
Before a diagnosis of infertility is made, our staff will begin a program of physically evaluating both partners, including patient history evaluations and laboratory tests to determine why you and your partner are having trouble conceiving a child. Your complete physical will include: pap smear and vaginal cultures; hormone levels testing; pelvic ultrasound; immunization check; semen analysis; and STD and infectious disease testing.
After testing is completed, we will then make a diagnosis. If necessary, Reliant Medical Group will collaborate with physicians in other related specialties including genetics, endocrinology, urology, male infertility specialists and dieticians to treat your condition.