Phong Kieu, MD - Physiatry

Phong Kieu
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“Everything is very patient-orientated here at Reliant.”

A physiatrist in the Department of Orthopedics at Reliant Medical Group, Dr. Phong Kieu is an expert in the body’s nerves, muscles and bones. He uses his knowledge and a variety of non-surgical techniques to help alleviate pain for patients and restore lost function. “Patients might not be aware that there’s a lot we can do for them outside of surgery,” he explains. “In this day and age, no one should have to live with constant pain and discomfort.”

In his practice Dr. Kieu does a number of procedures including pain injections, nerve blocks, joint injections, and various injections for the back; often under X-ray guidance. “Chronic lower back pain is probably the number one problem in America as far as pain goes, and sport-related injuries and back pain make up the majority of the patients that I see.”

In addition to being a physiatrist, Dr. Kieu is also trained in sports medicine. “The reason I did a fellowship in sports medicine is because I wanted to help alleviate a patient’s pain and help them get back to their favorite activities. I believe exercise is great medicine, so if I can help improve a patient’s ability to exercise I think it helps to improve their overall health.”

Although he has a number of sophisticated treatments he can offer, Dr. Kieu believes in starting off with conservative measures initially. “If we can see improvement with physical therapy and exercises and other more conservative measures – we’ll try that first. We can also utilize various interventional techniques, or do a combination of the two. Ultimately, if a patient does need surgery, I can refer them to any one of my surgical colleagues who is most appropriate for them.”

Dr. Kieu enjoys practicing inside the Department of Orthopedics at Reliant Medical Group. “Everything is very patient-orientated here at Reliant,” he explains. “The goal is to always make the patient feel better and get them healthier. From the physiatrists to the surgeons, we all focus on what we do best.”

In his spare time Dr. Kieu enjoys being with his family as well as playing golf and watching sports. He also enjoys soccer and basketball, plus jogging to stay in shape.


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