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“I really like putting new parents at ease.”
Originally from Trinidad and Tobago, Dr. Danielle Moncrieffe decided to become a pediatrician because she enjoys working with children so much each day.
Dr. Moncrieffe has a special interest in caring for newborns and helping new parents deal with all the issues a new baby can bring. “I love to work with babies. It always seems they have a big smile on their face,” she explains. “Plus it’s very satisfying to be able to work with new parents and answer any questions they might have – even strange and embarrassing ones. I really like putting new parents at ease.”
In her practice Dr. Moncrieffe works hard to make sure her patients have proper preventative care. “During a visit you’re trying to see if this child has met the proper milestones for their particular age. We want to make sure they are growing well and growing healthily. Pediatrics these days has become more focused on preventative and participatory care.”
Dr. Moncrieffe’s other area of interest is child behavior. “I am always thinking about what motivates people and why people behave like they do. It’s interesting to discuss how you can modify behavior. Do you use more positive reinforcement or negative reinforcement? What’s the best way to change a child’s behavior? I try to help parents with these different issues.”
Dr. Moncrieffe is a big believer in using new technologies to help patients. “The devices we have now are fascinating. You can use your Fitbit or Apple Watch as your pedometer or heart-rate monitor. And soon these will evolve to be more medical-type devices and they will be able to check your blood pressure and even your glucose level. In many ways these devices may impact how we practice medicine.”
When she is not busy seeing patients Dr. Moncrieffe enjoys practicing yoga, and is even working on an online training program to introduce children to yoga techniques. She feels it would be beneficial for children who have anxiety disorders and/or behavioral type disorders. Dr. Moncrieffe is also a very avid reader and loves going to book clubs.
Offices and Locations
Video Profile
Clinical Interests
Infant Care
Board Certified
Medical Education: University of the West Indies St. Augustine
Pediatric Residency: Jersey Shore University Medical Center
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