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“A lot of what I do as a pediatrician is educating people.”
Dr. Swati Sane first became interested in medicine when her older sister came home on break from medical school with an anatomy skeleton and lots of textbooks. Although Dr. Sane was still in high school, she enjoyed seeing what her sister was learning and became intrigued at the idea of medicine as a career.
After first working as a clinical researcher after medical school, Dr. Sane decided to become a pediatrician. “I find being a pediatrician challenging but also very rewarding. Parents put the trust of their children’s health and well-being in you, and that’s a very big responsibility,” she explains.
One of the most common problems Dr. Sane faces in treating her patients is obesity. She works hard to motivate her patients to be active and eat healthy. “A lot of what I do as a pediatrician is educating people. Good health starts with eating right and developing healthy habits. It’s especially important for parents of young children to get them started off on the right foot in this regard. I’m a big believer in prevention, and working closely with parents on these issues.”
Dr. Sane enjoys using Reliant Medical Group’s electronic health record, which puts a patient’s medical chart into a secure electronic database. “The system is fun to use, you can easily show immunizations, growth charts. Everything is right there and easily accessible.”
Working in Westborough, Dr. Sane enjoys treating a diverse patient population who come from all over the world. “There is a wide range of people living in this area, many from Asia like me. With all the different cultures, I find it a very enjoyable place to practice.”
In her free time, Dr. Sane enjoys spending time with her husband and two children. She also enjoys reading and traveling, as well as playing table tennis with her kids.
Offices and Locations
Internship & Residency: University of Kentucky Medical Center
Medical Education: Grant Medical College - Bombay University
Languages Spoken
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